Distribution Release: Zentyal Server 6.2
Zentyal Server is a unified network server that offers easy and efficient computer network administration for small and medium-size businesses. The company’s latest release is Zentyal Server 6.2 which is based on Ubuntu 18.04.4, offers several package upgrades, improved DNS management, and updated anti-virus tools. “Important enhancements to Zentyal Server Development Edition 6.2 include: Based on Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS. DNS - Improved management of the DNS records. CA - Improved management of CRLs. Webmail - Integration of the latest SOGo version (4.3.2). Antivirus - Integration of latest version of ClamAV (0.102.2) available for Ubuntu 18.04, updated collection of signatures. AppArmor - Installed by default. Virt - Improved management of hard disks. DHCP - Improved management of network interfaces. See the full changelog for all the details.” Further information on Zentyal Server 6.2 can be found in the distribution’s release announcement. Commercial options for Zentyal Server users are expected to be available later this month. Download: zentyal-6.2-development-amd64.iso (1,086MB, MD5, pkglist).
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