Distribution Release: TurnKey Linux 16.0
Jeremy Davis has announced the release of TurnKey Linux 16.0, a new stable version of the project’s specialised, single-purpose server appliances. This is the distribution’s first release based on Debian 10: “With great excitement and a sense of relief, it is my immense pleasure to announce the highly anticipated and well overdue first batch of version 16.0 stable TurnKey Linux appliances. These may well be our best appliances yet, although we’ll allow you to be the judge of that. Most of the significant changes in version 16.x have occurred under the hood. As noted in the release candidate announcement the main changes have generally been at the software level, although much of the work will likely not be immediately obvious to an end user. In some instances, we have moved from our own forks of software (e.g. Casper for live ISO functionality) to Debian defaults (‘live-boot’ and ‘live-tools’). In other instances, our custom software has been ported to a newer version of the language.” Read the complete release announcement for further information. In this first batch, ten server appliances are available from the project’s download server; here are the quick links to the “Core” and “TKLDev” (TurnKey Development Toolchain and Build System) editions: turnkey-core-16.0-buster-amd64.iso (314MB, SHA512, signature, pkglist), turnkey-tkldev-16.0-buster-amd64.iso (373MB, SHA512, signature).
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