Distribution Release: Ubuntu Kylin 20.04
Ubuntu Kylin 20.04, an official Ubuntu edition customised for the users in China, has been released. This release comes with an updated version of the UKUI desktop environment (a fork of MATE): “The Ubuntu Kylin team is pleased to announce the official release of Ubuntu Kylin’s open-source operating system, version 20.04 LTS (code-named ‘Focal Fossa’). Ubuntu Kylin 20.04 is the fourth long-term support (LTS) version and it offers 3 years of technical support. The new version of Ubuntu Kylin 20.04 LTS comes with the new UKUI 3.0 desktop environment preview and it supports x86 and arm64 architectures, which further optimizes the 4K HD display effect and application component stability. The new Kirin cloud account function unifies the identity authentication of all platforms and provides users with the cloud synchronization function. It also fixes 539 known issues, such as the inability of the taskbar to preview minimized apps and a file manager memory leak.” See the release announcements (in Simplified Chinese or in English) for further information and screenshots. Download: ubuntukylin-20.04-desktop-amd64.iso (2,186MB, SHA256, signature, torrent, pkglist).
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