Distribution Release: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.8
Red Hat has announced the release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7.8, the latest update from the enterprise-class Linux distribution provider. This is Red Hat’s legacy branch which is currently in “maintenance phase” of its support cycle: “Today, we’re pleased to announce the latest update to the world’s leading enterprise Linux platform with the general availability of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.8. Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 has entered its maintenance phase as defined in the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 10-year life cycle. Minor releases continue to deliver stability and reliability rather than adding new features. During this maintenance phase, customers should begin to plan their upgrade strategy. The Red Hat subscription allows users to deploy the release that suits their business needs. To facilitate moving to Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8, Red Hat offers tools, including in-place upgrades, which streamline and simplify the migration. When general availability of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.2 is announced, there will be an upgrade path from 7.8.” See the release announcement and the release notes for further details. As always, existing Red Hat customers can download this release from the company’s customer portal.
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