Distribution Release: Bodhi Linux 5.1.0
Bodhi Linux is a lightweight, Ubuntu-based distribution featuring the Moksha desktop environment. The new version, 5.1.0, is the first release under the project’s new management. “Today I am pleased to announce the release of Bodhi Linux 5.1.0. This is my first official release and is somewhat delayed from our original plans. Hopefully, this delay is worth it to our users. Much thanks to Stefan ‘the waiter’ Uram for his work on both the code and the themes and icons, Bodhi would not be the same without his creative input. In addition, it features several breaks with Bodhi tradition. In addition to replacing epad with leafpad, midori with epiphany and ditching eepDater we now offer two 64 bit ISOs and a revamped AppPack ISO. If you are unsure which version is best for you, please see this wiki page explaining the differences between them.” Download (MD5) (pkglist bodhi-5.1.0-64.iso (782MB, torrent), bodhi-5.1.0-64-hwe.iso (802MB, torrent), bodhi-5.1.0-64-apppack.iso (3,532MB, torrent), bodhi-5.1.0-legacy.iso (747MB, torrent).
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