Distribution Release: IPFire 2.23 Core 139
IPFire is a lightweight Linux distribution for use on network devices such as firewalls. The distribution is managed through a web interface for easier access. The project’s latest update is IPFire 2.23 Core Update 139 and the project’s release announcement provides an overview of available improvements: “It is time for the first release of the year, IPFire 2.23 - Core Update 139. It is packed with improvements, software updates, and many many bug fixes. Improved booting & reconnecting: Dialup scripts have been cleaned up to avoid any unnecessary delays after the system has been handed a DHCP lease from the Internet Service Provider. This allows the system to reconnect quicker after loss of the Internet connection and booting up and connecting to the Internet is quicker, too. Improvements to the Intrusion Prevention System: Various smaller bug fixes have been applied in this Core Update which makes our IPS a little bit better with every release. To take advantage of deeper analysis of DNS packets, the IPS is now informed about which DNS servers are being used by the system. TLSL: IPFire is configured as securely as possible.” Download: ipfire-2.23.x86_64-full-core139.iso (281MB, SHA256, pkglist).
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