Distribution Release: Emmabuntüs DE2-1.06
Emmabuntüs is a lightweight, Debian-based distribution designed to run on older computers. The project has published a new update to its Debian 9 “Stretch” branch, Emmabuntüs DE2-1.06. The new release offers several package updates from Debian 9 repositories along with many fixes. “This Debian Edition 2-1.06 version includes the following fixes and enhancements: Based on Debian 9.11 Stretch. Added utilities: Orage, NdisGTK. Added some French soundtracks for KTuberling. Added OpenBoard. Added open-vm-tools-desktop. Removed Minitube. Improved settings and Emmabuntüs tools windows. Improved explanations of post-installation configuration options. Fixed non-free firmware support during installation. Fixed country and keyboard selection windows during installation. Fixed security issues. Fixed information icons when updating packages for Revival-blue and Moka themes. Fixed XScreenSaver slideshow launch. Fixed network share via Samba. Updates of HPLip 3.19.11, TurboPrint 2.49-1, Teamviewer 14.5.1691, Firefox ESR 68.3.0.” Additional details can be found in the project’s release announcement. Download: emmabuntus-de2-amd64-stretch-1.06.iso (3,187MB, SHA256, torrent, pkglist).
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