Distribution Release: Rescuezilla 2.3
Rescuezilla is a specialist Ubuntu-based distribution designed for system rescue tasks. The project’s latest release offers file image verification and an option to override filesystem errors. “The main additional feature for Rescuezilla v2.3 is basic image verification, as well as a new ‘rescue’ option to force filesystem errors to be ignored. Virtually all Partclone-based tools other than Clonezilla always ignore errors using Partclone’s --force option, which I think is a bad idea. Some bugs and important feature requests from Rescuezilla v2.2 continue to remain yet-unaddressed, including unfortunately the highly requested ‘persistent partition’ feature as it still requires further changes and testing. Here is a partial list of what has changed in Rescuezilla v2.3: implemented image verification feature; added ‘Rescue’ option to ignore filesystem inconsistencies and bad sectors; replaced Ubuntu 21.04 ‘Hirsute’ build with build based on Ubuntu 21.10 ‘Impish’ for best support of new hardware; added ability to restore and explore images created by 'Apart Partclone GUI; improved image scanning; fixed display of LVM shutdown error message…” The release announcement offers further details. The distribution is presented in two editions, one based on Ubuntu 21.10 “Impish” and one based on 20.04 “Focal”. Download (SHA256, pkglist rescuezilla-2.3-64bit.impish.iso (998MB), rescuezilla-2.3-64bit.focal.iso (845MB).
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