Development Release: Redo Rescue 4.0.0
Zebradots Software has announced the release of Redo Rescue 4.0.0, a major update of the project’s specialist distribution for bare metal backups and system restoration tasks. Although the version number does not indicate it, the release is considered beta quality software, the first build based on Debian 11 “Bullseye”: "This is a beta release based on Debian 11. For this major upgrade, the only change applied is the base operating system and any package requirements required to complete the migration to Debian ‘Bullseye’. The underlying application and all functionality remains identical to the last release (3.0.2). Please note that newer packages, particularly Partclone or sfdisk, may contain breaking changes we are not aware of. Many (if not most) of the issues reported with the 3.0 releases were focused on the Debian 10’s lack of support in the kernel for more recent hardware, which shows a login prompt instead of the GUI. We are hoping this release based on Debian 11 will fix these issues for the majority of users. Here is the brief release announcement as published on the project’s GitHub page. Download: redorescue-4.0.0.iso (693MB).
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