Distribution Release: Pop!_OS 21.04
Pop!_OS is an Ubuntu-based Linux distribution featuring a custom GNOME desktop. Pop!_OS is designed to have a minimal amount of clutter on the desktop without distractions in order to allow the user to focus on work. The project’s latest release, Pop!_OS 21.04, addresses new ways for the dock to work and provids trackpad gestures. “A prequel to the tangible holograms of the future, trackpad gestures give your hand full command over your workspace. Here are some swift motions to keep you navigating smoothly: Swipe four fingers right on the trackpad to open the Applications view. Swipe four fingers left to open the Workspaces view. Swipe four fingers up or down to switch to another workspace. Swipe with three fingers to switch between open windows. Additional features: Optional minimize and maximize buttons for windows have been added! Minimize is enabled by default, and maximize can be enabled in Settings. Tile windows with your mouse! Just click and drag tiled windows to rearrange them to your liking. A hint will appear to show you where it will be arranged on drop. The recovery partition can now be upgraded through the OS Upgrade & Recovery menu in Settings! The launcher’s search algorithm has been updated to prioritize relevant applications for a smoother experience.” Additional information is provided in the project’s release announcement. Download (SHA256) (pkglist pop-os_21.04_amd64_intel_5.iso (2,420MB), pop-os_21.04_amd64_nvidia_5.iso (2,805MB).
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