Distribution Release: EndeavourOS 2021.02.03
EndeavourOS is a rolling release Linux distribution based on Arch Linux. The project aims to be a spiritual successor to Antergos - providing an easy setup and pre-configured desktop environment. The project’s latest snapshot is EndeavourOS 2021.02.03 and it includes a large collection of updated packages. A number of fixes and features have been added to this release: “We’ve also improved some features on the live environment and the installation process to make the installation a smoother sail. Reflector-auto has been removed since Reflector has this feature shipped by default The Welcome app now supports Brazillian-Portuguese. Alacrity has been added as one of the supported terminals for our native apps. You can now choose a swapfile from the installer in addition to a traditional swap partition when an automatic partition scheme is chosen. reflector-bash-completion has been added to make the use of Reflector easier. When chosen online install, mirrors will be automatically updated for a faster install and to decrease the possibility of a failed install caused by unresponsive mirrors. Our newest mirror in India has been added to improve the experience for our Indian users. During install, the user will now be added to the sys rfkill wheel users group by default, we have removed some of the legacy groups that were causing issues with drivers and CUPS.” Additional information can be found in the project’s release announcement. Download: endeavouros-2021.02.03-x86_64.iso (1,950MB, SHA256, signature, torrent, pkglist).
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