Development Release: NomadBSD 1.4 RC1
Marcel Kaiser has announced the availability of the first release candidate for NomadBSD 1.4, a FreeBSD-based live operating system for USB flash drives (with persistence), available for both x86_64 and i386 architectures. The new build upgrades the base system to FreeBSD 12.2 and also provides various improvements: “We are pleased to present the first release candidate of NomadBSD 1.4. Changes since 1.3.2: the base system has been upgraded to FreeBSD 12.2-p2; the installer has been improved; problems with booting the installed system via UEFI has been fixed; the suitable graphics card driver will now be installed and set up, instead of using the auto-detection on the installed system; automatic graphics driver detection has been improved and the menu has been removed; if no better graphics driver can be found, VESA or SCFB is used; auto-detection will now only run if the system configuration has changed since the last successful detection; touchpad support has been improved - if X.Org reports a problem with the touchpad, kern.evdev.rcpt_mask is automatically adjusted to use sysmouse.” Read the remainder of the release announcement for a complete changelog. Download (pkglist nomadbsd-1.4-RC1.img.lzma (2,363MB, SHA256), nomadbsd-1.4-RC1.i386.img.lzma (2,301MB, SHA256).
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