Distribution Release: Kali Linux 2020.4
Kali Linux is a Debian-based distribution with a collection of security and forensics tools. The project’s latest release, Kali Linux 2020.4, makes zsh the default command line shell, introduces new users to resources at login, and adjusts the bash shell to appear more like zsh. “In our previous quarterly release, 2020.3, we gave a heads up that we will be switching from Bash to zsh as our default shell going forwards (where possible). We are happy to announce that after testing and feedback from users, the switch has now happened. Say hello to to zsh. Thank you to everyone who provided positive and constructive feedback. We are happy with it, and hope you are too. With that said, we know we cannot please everyone with it (so if you wish to revert back to Bash, please do: ‘chsh -s /bin/bash’).” Further details along with screenshots of the new bash shell style can be found in the distribution’s release announcement. Download (SHA256) (pkglist kali-linux-2020.4-live-amd64.iso (3,354MB, torrent), kali-linux-2020.4-installer-netinst-amd64.iso (471MB, torrent).
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