Development Release: Porteus 5.0 RC2
It took more than a year for Porteus to get from RC1 to RC2 for its upcoming 5.0 release, but the new version of the project’s Slackware-based distribution is finally ready for testing: “After nearly 14 months and a lot of developments (circumstantial and technical), team Porteus is happy to announce Porteus 5.0 RC2. The usual seven desktop flavours are available. Some highlights: Linux kernel 5.4.57; added experimental support for RAID arrays; GTK 3 moved to 002-xorg, GTK 2 removed (some desktop environments include it - Openbox, LXDE, Xfce); Porteus gtkdialog scripts ported to pygobject3 (incomplete and ongoing, gtkdialog (built with GTK 3) remains for some unported scripts); new base module - 002-xtra which contains custom multimedia packages (e.g. FFmpeg, mpv); apps common to all desktop environments moved to 002-xorg or 002-xtra (GParted, Transmission, Celluloid); initrd.xz rebuilt with new BusyBox and improved linuxrc…” Continue to the release announcement for more details and known issues. Here are the download links for the seven supported desktop user interfaces (pkglist Porteus-CINNAMON-v5.0rc2-x86_64.iso (347MB), Porteus-KDE-v5.0rc2-x86_64.iso (409MB), Porteus-LXDE-v5.0rc2-x86_64.iso (328MB), Porteus-LXQT-v5.0rc2-x86_64.iso (339MB), Porteus-MATE-v5.0rc2-x86_64.iso (337MB), Porteus-OPENBOX-v5.0rc2-x86_64.iso (324MB), Porteus-XFCE-v5.0rc2-x86_64.iso (333MB).
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