Distribution Release: KaOS 2020.05
KaOS is an independent, rolling release distribution which focuses on providing one desktop environment (KDE Plasma) for one architecture (x86_64). The project’s latest snapshot is KaOS 2020.05 which includes a number of toolchain updates. “KaOS is very proud to announce the availability of the May release of a new stable ISO. This release is unlike the February version, not about many new features, but rather about updates and rebuilds. Most of the base of this distribution has been rebuild on a new GCC 9.3.0, Glibc 2.31 & Binutils 2.34 based Toolchain. Other rebuilds were needed for ICU 66.1, Boost 1.72.0, Krb5 1.18, Glib2 2.64.2 based stack, Guile 2.2.6, Mesa 20.0.6, NetworkManager 1.22.10, Perl 5.30.2, Linux 5.6.8 and Qt 5.14.2. The new features from the last, major, release were numerous, so repeated here one more time. It starts with the installer, there it is now possible to select whether or not to install an office suite (current choice is limited to LibreOffice, future might see the addition of Calligra as option). You can also opt to do a minimal install.” Further details can be found in the distribution’s release announcement. Download (SHA256): KaOS-2020.05-x86_64.iso (2,253MB, pkglist).
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