BSD Release: GhostBSD 20.04
The GhostBSD project creates a desktop-oriented, FreeBSD-based operating system. The project has published a new version, GhostBSD 20.04, which fixes a number of installation and ZFS-related issues at setup time. “I am happy to announce the availability of GhostBSD 20.04, but first thanks to all people that gave feedback and reported issues. We fixed a couple of problems that were found in 20.03. This release comes with kernel and OS updates and numerous software applications updates and many improvements like replacing gnome-mount and hald with FreeBSD devd and Vermaden automount which make auto mounting and unmounting of external device way more stable and supports more filesystems. What has changed and got fixed since 20.03: Fixed ZFS forced 4k option on ZFS full disk installation. Added 4k to default when creating ZFS partition with the installer partition editor. Fixed pool cleanup when deleting ZFS partition with the installer partition editor. Replaced gnome-mount and hald with FreeBSD devd and Vermaden automount. Fixed update manager weird loop. Fixed duplicate software repository config.” Additional details can be found in the project’s release announcement. Download (SHA256): GhostBSD-20.04.iso (2,545MB, torrent, pkglist).
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